The beginning of a NEW! Year and all of its grandeur, promises, hopes, dreams, freshness and newness, as a blank sheet of paper and a blanket of freshly fallen snow. What do you want to write? What path do you want to take? And, what will life look like next year on this day? A year yet to be written and lived with all of its grandeur.
As I spent much of this first day of 2018 in the kitchen cooking, writing, planning and talking to the ones that I love and sending out good wishes as an indication that this was a great way to begin the new year in doing what I love to do. There is so much intended to accomplish this year – stay tuned!
In the kitchen today, it was the traditional pork & sauerkraut for dinner, along with lentil soup. This was a dinner of pure intention and tradition of good luck and prosperity, not leaving anything to chance as we celebrate the first dinner of the new year!
How do YOU Celebrate Food? (leave your comments or connect on Social @cynthiaferich – I want to hear from you!)
Foodimentary – January Food Celebrations
National Hot Tea Month
National Oatmeal Month
National Slow Cooking Month
National Soup Month
National Baking Month
National Fat Free Living Month
Fat Free Living Month
Looking forward to being back on the air waves. See you soon!
WCNC-TV’s Charlotte Today Show – Tuesday, January 9, 2018 – 11:00 am
WBTV / Charlotte – Tuesday, January 9, 2018 – 8:30 pm hour
FOX 46 Charlotte – Friday, January 12, 2018 – 8:30 am hour
Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous NEW 2018 Year!